Motryx and LabQuality offer external quality assessment for sample transport

Motryx and LabQuality will jointly offer a new EQA scheme for Pre-analytics of Pneumatic Sample Transport. Sample hemolysis is the primary cause of blood sample rejection, accounting for 40-80% of all pre-analytical errors; an unknown but often significant amount of hemolysis originates in transport.

LabQuality has been offering nearly 50 years of quality assessment and currently serves over 7000 customers in more than 55 countries offering all levels of external and internal quality assessment schemes. Participating laboratories will be able to report on the effect of the pre-analytical transport on blood samples and common analytes from emergency to the laboratory in relation to their peers. They will also able to determine the contribution of transport to total observed hemolysis (vs. other pre-analytical factors), valuable for emergency department which often has highest hemolysis.

This is the first global EQA program offered to laboratories with a focus on pre-analytical PTS transport and will provide a significant step towards higher quality in the pre-analytical field.

For more information contact LabQuality’s customer service

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